
Older man having difficulty reading his computer because of cataracts

While there are many eye conditions that can cause vision problems, one of the most common for older adults is cataracts. If you’re living with cataracts, you know just how challenging the symptoms can be and how they affect your daily life. 

You may begin to wonder when it is time to consider cataract surgery instead of relying on contacts or glasses. Keep reading to learn eight signs it’s time to get cataract surgery in Evansville!

What Are Cataracts?

Woman having cataract exam

Cataracts are a clouding of the eye’s natural lens. The lens is a clear structure in your eye made out of proteins.

With age, these proteins begin to break down and clump together, causing cataracts to form. Cataracts often begin as small patches that don’t significantly affect vision.

In the beginning stages, the vision changes caused by cataracts can often be addressed with glasses or contacts. However, over time, they will get larger and cause more noticeable symptoms. 

Cataracts are expected during the aging process, but you don’t just have to live with them. Cataract surgery is an effective, permanent treatment option. 

How Does Cataract Surgery Treat Cataracts?

Cataract surgery is the only way to remove cataracts. During cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist removes the natural lens of your eye and replaces it with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens, or IOL.

This artificial lens will permanently remain in your eye and restore your vision. In most cases, you’ll have much clearer vision.

Depending on which IOL you choose, you may be able to significantly reduce your dependence on visual aids after cataract surgery. Typically, eye doctors recommend cataract surgery once cataracts begin to impact your every day life.

Sign 1: Blurry Vision That Glasses And Contacts Can’t Fix

Woman with headache caused by double vision from cataracts

In the early stages of forming cataracts, you will likely be able to use glasses or contacts to see clearly. However, as the cataracts worsen, visual aids might not be effective enough. 

If you notice you still have blurry vision despite wearing your contacts or glasses, cataract surgery can improve your quality of life. 

Sign 2: Double Vision In One Eye

Double vision makes many activities challenging. When you’re looking at just one object, you may see two or more objects in front of you instead of one.

If you see double vision in one eye, this is a sign that your cataracts are worsening. 

Sign 3: Trouble Seeing At Night

Cataracts cause blurry, foggy vision, which makes seeing at night a significant problem. As your cataracts worsen, you may have difficulty seeing at night or in dim lighting.

The more challenging it gets to see at night, the more cataracts will impact your quality of life. At this point, it’s’ a good idea to consider cataract surgery. 

Sign 4: Sensitivity To Light

While cataracts make it difficult to see in dim light, they also make your eyes more sensitive to bright lights. You may notice your vision getting even blurrier or painful under harsh, bright lights. 

Sign 5: Seeing Halos Around Lights

Another common symptom of cataracts is noticing a halo effect around lights. While this might not sound like a big deal, it can be disorienting and impact your night vision and driving ability. 

This is an uncomfortable symptom that can be corrected with cataract surgery. 

Sign 6: Frequent Vision Changes

As the cataracts progress, you’ll likely need frequent changes to your eye prescription. This means more frequent visits to the eye doctor and constant updating of your prescription.

Keeping up with these frequent changes can be frustrating, so cataract surgery is a better alternative for many patients. 

Sign 7: Difficulty Reading

Woaman having difficulty reading from Cataracts

Because cataracts cause blurry vision, they make it difficult to read. Cataracts can impact your close-up vision, so you may have a more challenging time noticing tiny details, which can also affect your ability to do various activities like cooking, crafting, and working.

Cataract surgery can allow you to return to performing your daily tasks or participating in the hobbies you love.

Sign 8: Driving is Challenging

Since cataracts make it harder to see at night and impact how your eye processes light, they make driving a challenge in some cases. You may notice that you can’t drive safely anymore, especially at night. 

If you can’t drive safely anymore, it can severely limit your freedom. If you reach this point, cataract surgery can give you back that freedom.

Request A Cataract Surgery Consultation

The easiest way to determine if cataract surgery is right for you is to schedule a cataract evaluation with the team at Hayden Vision. During this visit, your eye doctor will examine your eyes and determine if it might be time for you to have cataract surgery.

Are you experiencing symptoms of cataracts that are impacting your everyday life? Schedule a cataract evaluation at Hayden Vision in Evansville, IN, today!